Data protection

Data Privacy Compliance Solution

The complete online platform for your business data privacy compliance needs

Our platform includes the following:
  1. Generate data privacy policies 
  2. Cybersecurity action plan
  3. Staff security training 
  4. Incident response

Data Privacy Policies

  • Get data privacy policies tailored to your business, your customers and where you operate.

Achieve  compliance in minutes, with lawyer-verified data privacy policies. Our documentation updates in line with new regulations, keeping your business compliant as it changes and grows.

Regional Representative

Expand into new markets with confidence
  • Achieve compliance in over multiple countries

Expand into new markets knowing our platform takes care of your compliance. Meet data processing regulations across multiple countries with dedicated documentation and a regional representative.

Data Processing Agreements

  • Get lawyer verified DPAs for all your third parties.

Working with a new supplier? We’ll provide you with the documentation necessary to ensure they handle your data responsibly, securing your entire service supply chain.

Account & Data Mapping

  • Our platform will capture which users have access to which accounts across your organisation.

Someone leaving your organisation? Quickly revoke access to your company’s accounts, keeping your valuable data secure.


Now let us get your business fully data compliant and protected

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